Sheikh Mehmet Nazim in Buenos Aires, Argentina , Chili and Brazil

Sheikh Mehmet Nazim’s presence is a blessing for all the Argentina.  

It was at this time that Mawlana Sheikh Mehmet and Sheikh Bahauddin visited in 2016.

Brothers and sisters have travelled from all over Argentina, as they did in 2016, to share in this baraka that is ever present.

Info: or Read here Sufismo en Argentina

In 2016, when Sheikh Bahauddin return from the the South America Tour, which included Brazil and other countries, he said that this was one (if not the) best tour that he had ever attended.  He went on to say that this part of the world is very poor.  He stressed that all the brothers and sisters pulled all the stops out and gave everything they had in the form of hospitality, Masha’ALLAH!  

This tour was not only a historic tour, but one that melted the hearts and remained etched in the memories of the family of the Prophet (saws) who attended. If only for this particular, we ask you to follow this tour and to share it with others as an example of what it means ti be humble and overflowing with unlimited and sincere love for the family of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

Rio de Janeiro Brazil