Activiteiten met Sheikh Hassan

sh_hassan-mallorcaSheikh Hassan is an authentic example of the Sufi mystic and his tradition. In an accessible and relaxed way, full with humour it reveals us the internal beauties of Islam. Sufis are the mystics of Islam. Their internal search requires an intensive purification. Born in the heart of the Master the sufi music moves towards the heart of people to touch them delicately and wake up in them a desire for the love of the Divine:… The Sufi Path of the Love. According to the conditions of place, time and the public of the moment, a special atmosphere almost magic is created because, like the great Sufi Saint Jalaludin Rumi once said:: “The listener is the performer, and the performer is the listener

Sh Hassan 09 (2)Since 1986 he is the leader of the main Sufi Naqshbandi center of Europe till now . Sheikh Hassan also directs – in collaboration with different musicians- concerts , Dhikrs and Hadra for a large audience all over Europe. During his tours with the “Muhabbat Caravan” he tells especially tales of sufi wisdom, accompanied by his violoncello of “Amore” also called “Campanulla”. This “widened” violoncello offers a broad series of consonances and is remarkably adapted for the presentation of the ethnic spiritual music. The music comes mainly from the inspiration and the improvisation with a special attention to the noises, vibrations and frequencies. The Sufi tales are presented with much humor without losing the perspicacity and the depth of Sufi wisdom.

Reportage soefisme in Nederland

In het kader van de “ Reportage soefisme in Nederland “ zal de Moslim Omroep aandacht schenken aan de Naqshbandi Order en de interview met Sheikh Hassan‏ presenteren ( de opnames zijn gemaakt tijdens de Muzikale en Spirituele Ontmoeting rond Franciscus van Assisi in de Haqqani Soefi Centrum “de Groene Harten”   op zaterdag 24 oktober 2015 in Amsterdam

Het is uitgezonden zaterdag 7 november zie hier

 Here complete interview:

Turn into Light Tour Holland 2015:

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YouTube Channel Sheikh Hassan


Activities of Sheikh Hassan in Europe

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Impressions of European Sufi Center in Kall Germany:

Osmanische Herberge   Das Sufi-Zentrum in der Eifel


Sh hassan 2013Sheikh Hassan tells especially tales of sufi wisdom, accompanied by its violoncello of “Amore” also called “Campanulla”. This “widened” violoncello offers a broad series of consonances and is remarkably adapted for the presentation of the ethnic spiritual music. The music comes mainly from the inspiration and the improvisation with a special attention to the noises, vibrations and frequencies. The Sufi tales are presented with great humour without losing the perspicacity and the depth of Sufi wisdom

Concert “Muhabbat Caravan” in Nederland:

Turn in to Light Tour 2013:

10408728_368108786700170_6620232438260120477_n (1)Turn into Light Tour Holland 2014

playlist: 9 video’s:

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